Work / Driver Ready
Getting Independent Commercial Drivers On the Road, Fast
Steamlining the onboarding process for trucking companies and contract drivers.
Consolidating all of the necessary steps required to hire a new contract driver through an intuitive on-boarding platform while integrating with various public APIs and manual systems.
An 8-step online enrollment portal that educates the driver to required information and documentation while also outlining the steps necessary to complete before receiving a driving assignment.

Driver Ready was a prototype designed for parent company, Openforce, an industry leader in independent contractor products and services.
All prototype requirements were collected from the product manager and current HR professionals already customers of Openforce. Due to each sections complexity and integration with various external systems, we treated each step as it's own micro app, designing and testing each as we went.
The end result was an end-to-end system that greatly streamlined an otherwise overly complex process while keeping both HR personnel and drivers aware of the overall progress.

Getting Started & Progress Tracking. To best prepare a new driver for the pending on-boarding process, we first notified them to all required information and documentation. Once ready to begin a progress checklist is presented being their primary point of reference as the users are permitted to exit and resume the flow as needed.

On-boarding Flow. A driver is guided step-by-step through the flow collecting required information and documentation. The driver is permitted to advance to any section they desire also allowing them to save and continue later. Once all steps are completed, they are presented with a final recap screen that identify any remaining documents needed or overall status of approval.

Driver Dashboard. Once a driver is approved, they can review their finanical history as a contract employee including employer contact information, paystubs and overall earning stats.