Work / boodleAI
Equiping Non-profit Fundraisers with Deep Personal Network Insights
Prioritizing charitable support messaging by the people in your network with the highest potential of interest and contribution likelihood.
Design a platform that supports both the administrative needs of a non-profit organization and the personal network insights and messaging functions of a fundraising.
A multi-interface experience that enables non-profits to launch multiple campaigns, invite key fundraisers, accept donations and track on-going progress while also allowing fundraisers to import personal contacts, return in-depth insights and prioritize and track the status of communication.
As long time non-profit directors, board members and fundraisers, boodleAI executives knew there had to be a better way for a non-profit to mobilize and equip their existing supporters with the tools necessary to deliver compelling support messaging at a cheaper expense.
From extensive personal experience, boodleAI understood the likelihood of capturing a donation was exponentially higher if the non-profit was relevant and introduced from a personally trusted source.
Directed by this understanding, we got to work developing an interface that easily allowed a fundraiser to upload their contacts from multiple sources including, email and social media, then prioritizing their network by likelihood of interest in a cause powered by a propriety AI algorithm. By placing the most important contacts first with additional personal insights a fundraiser can quickly craft a message, or have one generated automatically, to be sent to potential supports as though it was coming directly from the fundraisers own email account.
This technology has already been adopted by several large non-profits and their fundraisers, with limited technical knowledge, praising it's simplicity and intuitiveness.

Organization Admin. Non-profit organizations can easily monitor and manage multiple campaigns, fundraiser activity and new donors. Each area of the admin is designed to draw the attention to key metrics for an easy assessment of activity which can be viewed by all stakeholders.

Fundraiser Message Center. The message center is designed to allow fundraisers to quickly get in and out with as little time commitment as possible. Fundraisers can track their personal fundraising progress against an active campaign as well as view a prioritized list of contacts by likelihood of donating. Each contact has an associated donor profile displaying key insights and historical activity making writing a message simple with automatic message production and saved templates.
Role: Independent Contractor. I supported this project with product management, UX/IxD, visual design, web design and video production.